Welcome to my blog! Hoping to provide some information and insight to daily topics! :)
Feel free to email me with any questions you have!

03 November 2010

One Month already?!

Hello readers!

I want to thank you for your overwhelming continuing support for the past month!  Today is the one month mark from the starting date!

I have received so much positive feedback from you, I've decided to continue my blog!

This past month was somewhat experimental, in that I didn't know if anyone would even read anything I had to say! :)  Maybe that's just me being a little insecure... big surprise. :)  

Either way, I'm saying,  THANK YOU FRIENDS! You mean so much to me!

I welcome comments, criticisms, feedback, and etc!  Keep it coming, and I'll try to do my best to entertain you with my random thoughts along the way! :)


Always remember:  "I get by with a little help from my friends"  ~John Lennon

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog lady! and a girl walked in and I mentioned your name and she was like Anastasia as in asking Anastasia?? You know her?? lol your a online celebrity =P
