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05 November 2010

Stick with what Works

Hello Readers-

Disclaimer:  I respect every person's perspective regarding religion and spirituality.  I will never try to argue my perspective with the intention to try to convince someone to change their perspective.  My personal viewpoint is based on gaining as much information as possible, identifying the similarities in different theories/perspectives, and most importantly, "treating others as I would like to be treated." 

I don't want to get too much into what I believe regarding religion, however... I do believe in some kind of "higher power" of sorts.  Some kind of "force unseen"; something that created the majesty of nature and human beings; some powerful anomaly that watches out for me and has protected me when times should or could have been MUCH worse.  I think things happen sometimes that just cannot be explained.  (No, I still don't think that things "happen for a reason".  haha)  And for sake of simplicity in reading through this posting,  I will call it HP, to avoid confusion.  (Most people would call this power "God".)

Can I define this?  No.

Is it even "one" thing?  No idea.

Do I try to understand it and make assumptions?  No.

I just accept that this is something greater than I know, can understand, or do anything about. 

With that being said, as I've grown as a person over the past few years, I've included many other things into the "higher power" equation.  These other things include:  my parents, sister, best friend, my "support group" aka: close friends, and as asinine as it sounds- nature.  (Looking for things in nature that I find beautiful).  

Recently, as you might have known if you've been reading since the beginning, I've had severe moodiness issues.  (Understatement of the month)  :)  I realized today, that I have been putting my faith only into one or two of the "higher powers" I've described above.  They are not in conjunction with each other.  Meaning, I've talked to my sister, I've talked to my best friend, I've prayed to the anomalous "HP" (AKA to most people as "God"), I've talked to my parents.  These messages however, have been skewed to each person, and I have not been honest with myself in each instance.  So, not that I was lying by any means to any, but each message was catered to the receiver, and the entire message was not necessarily expressed.  Furthermore, I have not relied upon my group of friends (what I call "support group) in a long time, and have been out of touch with that entire realm.

I realized that when I was genuinely happy-  all aspects of my higher power(s) were aligned with each other, and I was putting attention and effort in maintaining those relationships.  Something that I need to do a lot better, if I want to feel better.

Stick with what works.

This is something I really need to get back to.  Even though my brain works scientifically and needs "proof"... whether or not you believe in what I believe in...for me, (thats okay!) but these are all of the things in my life that have proven to bring happiness in my life. 

This is all the proof I need for today.  (Tomorrow might be a different story)  :)

Thank you for your readership.  You truly give me a means to express thoughts and feelings openly.


Always remember:  "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!"

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