Welcome to my blog! Hoping to provide some information and insight to daily topics! :)
Feel free to email me with any questions you have!

04 October 2010

4 October 2010 -- Why am I doing this?


Here are the solid facts as I know them:
  • Name is Anastasia, but it would have been "John" if I were a boy.
  • Master of Science Degree in Organizational Leadership (June 2011).
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication.
  • Have a cat named Phoenix, not named after the city, but the "mythical creature".
  • Will be 28 on the 24 October 2010.
  • Have no idea what I am doing with my life.
  • Have received advice over and over again, from people who are wiser, more logical, more reasonable and more "sane" than I will ever be.

Then why am I doing this?

First, it would be a lie if I didn't say that it was in some part due to fulfilling my own needs, as a form of journaling and self-expression.  I feel that from each experience that I have been through, no matter how severe, getting it out has been the most important to my life's path.  Specifically for me, that can include writing about it, praying to a higher power, talking to professionals (therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist), and/or talking to friends, family, and sometimes even Phoenix.  (No, I am not the "crazy cat lady" either).  If there is a problem, the best thing to do in my case has been to release the energy spent on the "issue(s)" in a healthy way.    

Now that I have admitted my personal gain from this blog, the primary reason I started this blog was to give people an outlet to release that built up energy too.  If anyone has a question they would like an answer to, please email me and I will try to post as soon as possible.  Sometimes this energy can also be released by reading "how to's".  (How to talk to your teenager, How to break from an abusive relationship, How to make money, etc).  These issues can be resolved by a quick read, which will be the main content of my postings.  

What is Anastasia going to talk about?
Essentially, I would like to post on topics that are not only interesting to me, but affect our lives often.
Topics could include:
Mental Disorders
Astrology (my favorite)

Once again, if you have a question, feel free to email me and I will try my best to post a response as soon as possible.  


Always remember: "People are going to do what people are going to do"


  1. Dear Anastasia,
    I have a hard time releasing my bond to my grown children. I love them with all my heart and can't seem to let them go. Any suggestions? Lonely MOM

  2. Dear Lonely MOM,

    You sound a lot like my mother... and, knowing my mother, this is you. :)

    Either way, you have to trust that you have raised your children to the best of your ability. Without knowing you, the fact that you are still concerned with your grown children, is a testament to the fact that you probably are a great mother. Your children more than likely realize that too.

    "can't seem to let them go"

    You don't ever have to let them go. They are not animals you should release into the wild, never to return again. They will always be your children. You can always love and support them to the best of your ability. Continue to make yourself, your love, guidance, and support available to them. (Even though I am sure they already know you will always be there).

    This is an article you might find helpful:


    (If you cannot click on the link, highlight, press CTRL and C, open a new window, then press CTRL and V. This will copy/paste the link)

    Taks care. You seem like a fabulous mother, and your children see it too.

    x Anastasia x
