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15 October 2010

A letter to my friends, past and present

Hey lovely readers!

Today was an interesting day.  Its not that I did anything in particular, or even did anything for that matter.. but interesting, none the less.  With that said, I've been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching recently.

My birthday is coming up! (24 October for those of you wanting to get me a present)  :)    Now that I'm getting older, I use it as a time to look back over the last year and reflect on the journey.  (Whereas years ago, I'd use it as yet another excuse to get obliterated drunk!)  :)
A lot of you don't know everything that I've been though, the struggles, the accomplishments.   The loves, the heartbreaks.  

The happiness, joy and life... and the sadness, pain and strife.  

I didn't think I would be where I am today.  In both good and bad ways.

My 10 year reunion is coming up in November.  These are things you probably want to know about me if you went to my high school:
  • I don't have a job.
  • I don't have a husband.
  • I don't have kids.
  • I don't own a house.
  • I don't have a car (a little hard on the island) :)
  • I don't have a boat.
  • I don't have expensive clothes.
  • I gain and lose weight all the time. 
  • I live in a modest one bedroom condo in a 3rd world country. 

There.  Now I don't have to go to the reunion.

Here is a list of who I am:
  • I am passionate, intense, and caring.
  • I am a loving daughter, sister and friend.
  • I would do anything for any of my friends.
  • I am smart, witty, funny, and insightful.
  • I am empathetic, sensitive, and kind.
  • I am goofy, love to laugh and love making people laugh- even at my expense.
  • I am both sarcastic and serious,  patient and impatient, independent, dependent, and codependent (haha),  hot and cold.
  • I will always sublimate.

Unfortunately, the second list is much less important to a lot of people.  And that's okay. I have met people along the way that value who I AM, rather than what I have.

I miss friends from home:  those that have been there for me- through the ups and downs.  
  • I miss my childhood friends I've grown apart from.  The ones who I can call without talking for years, but pick up like the time never passed.
  • I miss my party friends, and hope they are all doing okay.  Jesus, we had some crazy-fun times!
  • I miss my party friends I have now- those that I WISH I would have partied with... ;)  (All of Bill W's friends...) You all have shown me that you love me, no matter who I am.  You helped me build confidence back within myself to stand on my own in front of the world and proudly declare my place.
  • I miss the friends I have made in Belize that have moved away and may or may not come back.  I might not see you ever again,  but you were my friends for who I am.  You liked me- for me.  You might know me more than a lot of people.  
  • And of course, I miss my family that will be there for me until each of their last breaths.  And Todd, if you're reading this- you are in this category. :) 

I've learned many things about myself, especially after moving to another country.  I've learned a lot about life and others' perceptions.  I've confirmed beliefs as well as expelled stereotypes about certain things. 
I might not have many possessions, or things to brag about-  but I have PEOPLE in my life that I am grateful for and experiences that have molded me.  

Despite everything... the most important thing is to keep going.  Keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Keep moving forward.  Keep breathing.  Take the days one at a time.  Keep goals in sight, but not out of reach.  And as "elementary school" as it sounds-  Never give up


Always remember:   "Age is just an anomaly"


  1. I miss you darling, and you're right- we definitely love you for who you are. Ask anybody who knows you and they'll agree... List 2 is far more important. Xoxo
    Ps- I'll be seeing you again someday :)

  2. I happen to COMPLETELY AGREE that the 2nd list is FAR more important, not to mention that who else would or could take the chance to move HERE. I remember when I was leaving SF, almost every single comment or question what "WHY THERE?" and all I had to say was "WHY NOT?!" I believe that life is too short and precious to stay in one place with the fear of "WHAT IF" to not at least try to make your dreams come true.

    I really love reading your blogs.... i hope maybe we can run into one another here on the island (in fact, surprised we haven't yet...lol) and I can tell you in person how I appreciate what you have written here.


  3. Through struggles, we learn to reach out for the next step. No challenge, no gain. Moving on is painful but gainful. Looking back, you can see the past is stagnant and the future is possible. MOVE ON! I trust you are on the way! Love to you, Anastasia! Keep up your wonderful blog!
